Indoor Air Quality Pros & Environmental Physicians Come To The Aid Of US Military Families.

Five days ago, I posted a blog titled “PLEASE CALL Senators TODAY To Save Our Troops’ Families From the FRAUD In The MOLD Issue”. The gist of the blog is that a 501(c)3 nonprofit, Military Matters Foundation (MMF), is leading the charge to cause real and much needed legislative oversight of the Private-Public Venture (PPV) military housing landlords, their contractors, the DOD, and the military physicians.

On November 22nd MMF sent a letter to the 27 senators of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC). They requested that on this coming Tuesday, December 3rd, that the senators publicly ask seven important questions of the U.S. GAO auditor and the DOD leaders — who will be testifying before the SASC.

The basic gist of what the military families want answered, is:

1) why haven’t the senators, DOD, or GAO acted to stop the scientific fraud in the mold issue that began in 2002 and is used extensively by military housing landlords, DOD miseducated military physicians, toxic tort defense attorneys and others as false proof that the moldy military housing allegedly can’t cause brain injuries; and

2) why are the landlords and their contractors still not being mandated to follow industry standards that are purposed to safely maintain and remediate the military housing.

To encourage the senators to ask the key questions on December 3rd, MMF issued a Call To Action/Petition. What they want (and need!) is for the public and those with superior knowledge of the deep seated problems to support their efforts aimed to cause better legislative and DOD oversight of military housing, housing maintenance, and of military physician education.

IAQ Pros & Environmental Physicians Answer the Military Families’ Call To Action!

In 2016, environmental physicians and researchers were key in causing the military housing landlord, Lincoln Military Housing LLC,, to be held accountable for negligent causation of brain injury — via meeting a courtroom standard burden of proof that moldy military housing can indeed cause debilitating cognitive dysfunction.

This weekend, the environmental medicine professionals answered MMF’s Call. They shared MMF’s Petition/Call To Action on their widely-viewed website, Surviving Mold. The environmental medicine professionals strongly support the need for military physicians to be properly educated of how to recognize, diagnose, and treat sick building related illnesses, including debilitating brain injuries.

Also this weekend, indoor air quality (IAQ) professionals answered the Call. MMF’s Call To Action/Petition may be read on the website of IAQ Radio. IAQ Radio is “the voice of the indoor air quality industry”. Over the past thirteen years they have created an extensive audio library of interviews with experts on the subject of the built environment and health. They are strong supporters that those who are maintaining and remediating the military housing be properly trained and made to adhere to the industry standards established by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC).

So….the answers of how to protect the military families from fraud, waste, and abuse in the military housing debacle are already there. What’s missing are the questions from senators and answers from the GAO and DOD re: who is not providing adequate oversight which enables the fraud to rage on, and why this is being enabled to continue?


Follow the directions on MMF’s website of how YOU can contact the senators of the SASC and encourage them to ask the needed questions; or simply CLICK HERE to sign MMF’s Petition.

Close to 5000 people have already signed! Will YOU join us to help protect the lives of the families of those who risk their lives to protect all of our families? We need your help before the upcoming Tuesday SASC hearing.

The Petition states: Call to Action- a petition regarding Military Housing by The Military Matters Foundation

Military bases must remove mold by IICRC S520 standard and licensed professionals

Updated November 26, 2019


Military Matters Foundation
Nov 26, 2019 —

United States military members and their families are being made direly ill from their contaminated military housing. Adding devastating insult to injury, they are not getting medical help from the military physicians that they need in order to recover.

On November 22, 2019 we sent a letter to the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee members asking for clarification of why military physicians are not being properly trained to treat military personnel and their families’ disabilities caused by substandard military housing; and why no one appears to be moving to correct this problem. Reuters has deemed it an “Ambushed at Home”.

We only have a few days before the next U.S. Senate Hearing on December 3rd regarding this problem that is devastating military families and weakening the strength of our military.

Please help us flood Armed Services Committee senators with calls and emails in support of the need for questions to be asked of why military physicians are not being trained how to diagnose, treat, and cure the military-housing-caused illnesses.

Will you make a phone call or send an email to senators to make this nightmare of insult to already devastating injury for our military families end?

It’s easy to do. Takes no time at all. Just open this link to and follow the directions.

Thank you. Military Matters Foundation Team

Please CLICK HERE to sign it!

Thank you,
Sharon Kramer

About Sharon Kramer

Hi, I'm an advocate for integrity in health marketing and in the courts.
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1 Response to Indoor Air Quality Pros & Environmental Physicians Come To The Aid Of US Military Families.

  1. Angela Haas says:

    Help the families in need

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